
These two interviews were selected to cover personal perspectives on research methods and global developments. The first interview, Holding on Together, is a joint conversation with the late anti-racist scholar, Barry Troyna. It deals with many of the dilemmas and advantages of collaborative life history work.

The second interview, Mediation is the Message, was conducted in 1999 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The interviewers, two well-known Argentinian sociologists, Daniel Feldman and Mariano Palamidessi, were concerned to understand how global developments were impinging on Argentinian society and wanted to interrogate Anglo-American perspectives on research and development to see if there were hopeful lines of inquiry and insight.

If you have access to an interview with Ivor that you would like to display, or know of one that is not present here on the website, please feel free to contact

Interviews available on the site: